Data Use Policy has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to customer privacy. Privacy on the web site is of great importance to us. Because we gather important information from our visitors and customers, we have established this Statement as a means to communicate our information gathering and dissemination practices. We reserve the right to change this Statement and will provide notification of the change at least thirty (30) business days prior to the change taking effect.

Collected Information

We require customers who register to use the services offered on our Site to give us contact information, such as their name, company name, address, phone number, and e-mail address, and financial qualification and billing information, such as billing name and address, credit card number, and the number of users within the organization that will be using the Services. At the time you express interest in attaining additional information, or when you register for the service, we may also ask for additional personal information, such as title, department name, fax number, or additional company information, such as annual revenues, number of employees, or industry. Customers can opt out of providing this additional information by not entering it when asked. Customers can view their updated profile to confirm their edits have been made. uses the information that we collect to set up Services for individuals and their organizations. We may also use the information to contact customers to further discuss customer interest in our company, the Services that we provide, and to send information regarding our company or partners, such as promotions and events. Customers are invited to receive an email newsletter by providing an email address. Customer email addresses and any personal customer information will not be distributed or shared with any third parties other than employees, consultants and representatives. Customers can opt out of being contacted by us, or receiving such information from us, at any time by sending an email to [email protected] Separately, customers are also asked to provide an email address when registering for the Service, in order to receive a username and password. We may also email information regarding updates to the Service or company, and will send a Customer Newsletter. Again, email will not be distributed or shared and customers can opt out of receiving any communication by emailing [email protected] at the time it is distributed, or at the time any customer registers for the Service.